Bear Repellent – The Options

Fall is here. That means bears are out and looking for the last good meal prior to the big sleep. I don’t want to be ‘the meal’. So, what are the single speed options for bear repellent? Well, Tedd likes the neon green tape + the pepper spray. I don’t know, the neon green tape is sort of ‘Zoolander-ish”.

I have a more realistic approach to bear repellent. I call it the ‘357 Option’. Then again, deep down inside (yeah, it’s my insides that I’m worried about) I think the neon tape and pepper spray will make the bear run for cover. The 357 might just piss the bear off. I might rethink this approach, maybe. Do you think there are any safety issues with the ‘357 Option’?

Just in case my mother flips out about the ‘357 Option’, I came up with an intermediate option. I’ll call it the ‘WWII Machete Option’. I’m a bit worried about the machete option. I bet I’d suffer some major slice-age-es during the rather routine over-the-handle bar face plants. So, I don’t know. I’m headed back into the garage to work on the ‘Battle Axe Option’. The battle axe may be the key to survival.

The Zoolander Option to Bear Repellent:

The ‘357 Option’:

The WWII Machete Option:

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