12: BPR MI

IMG_2480BACK OF THE PACK RACING: Michigan Chapter

Chapter Operating Instructions

Michigan-Chapter pg 1Michigan-Chapter pg 2

Michigan-Chapter pg 3



Profiles of The Crew

Woody Preacher

When it comes to Mac Daddy…. Woody Preacher is YOUR Mac Daddy. The dude will officiate over your Marriage Ceremony, the dude will arrange your honey moon. HELL the Dude will probably tag along in your honey moon… just to ensure that the Forking or Spooning IS EXECUTED correctly. Or something like that.

All joking aside. Woody Preacher is the NEW Elder Statesman of Back of the Pack Racing. When we need to get something done, we go to Woody. Cuz The Dude gets shit done. Just don’t tell the dude’s wife, cuz she is still asking the freak to mow the lawn, go to the grocery store and change light bulbs.  And when The Wife asks Woody a simple question… Woody responds “What’s for Dinner Babe?”  No joke. Jokester.




AfterBurner: Letter of Intent and Pics



Glassman: Letter of Intent and Pics



Kitten AKA fokin lion

26179967_531202633931737_1008693669_oLauren aka… Sunshine
