10: BPR Navajo Nation

BACK OF THE PACK RACING: Navajo Nation Chapter

Chapter Operating Instructions

Refer to the BPR GLOBAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS…. All Rules in the Global Operating Instructions will be followed by all dudes in the BPR Navajo Nation Crew. No deviations, clarification, additions were provided to The Founding Fathers as of this update.

Profiles of The Crew


aka Jon, aka Yazzie, aka Rez Dog


The Yazzie, aka Rez Dog, is the fearless leader of the BPR Navajo Nation Chapter. The average BPR tourist may ask “Why a Navajo Nation chapter?” And the average answer from The Founder, The Leader, The Historian… The Judd: “Dude, it’s because the Navajo Nation spans 3 states and we can’t control all Rez Dog induced chaos through 3 independent BPR chapters. SO – SO – SO… Rez Dog is ‘authorized’ control his own chaos and the chaos of the dudes and dudettes that roll, will roll, in his crew. Get it?” And plus… the Navajo Nation is a sovereign country within The United States (my simplification of a very complicated set of US government lingo) and therefore Rez Dog has earned the right to rule his chapter just like all the other Nation based BPR chapters – like BPR New Zealand, BPR Australia, BPR United Kingdom. And… and… and… then there is the ‘other’ reason. Rez Dog is a respected dude, aka, a dude that could / does act in a responsible & respectable manner, and therefore we are hoping that Rez Dog can pull some strings and help us build a Great Southwest single speed revolution that includes super secret yet-to-be-made plans to rage, single speed style, on some of the crazy / insane / unworldly terrain that is controlled within the borders of the Navajo Nation.

So… some special info on Rez Dog. The Founding Fathers first met (maybe?) Rez Dog at SSWC14: Anchorage Alaska. All we can say is that Rez Dog seemed to be at every bar that we were at… which means the dude knows the definition of ‘commitment’ to The Lifestyle. And Rez Dog wasn’t afraid to throw back the PBRs in BPR style at The Carousel Lounge. Then we all supported the BPR concept of HOOLIGANISM at the Zuni 100 – which happens to be the BPR Global Summit. Let’s just say that Rez Dog and his crew fit right in. And the dude proved a special sense of survival. You see I am the The Founder / The Leader and I have a special sense of Ludacracy and know when a dude(s) need some guidance. So I told Rez Dog and his crew:  “if you get lost, which you probably will, just got east brother, just go east.” And as I predicted Rez Dog got lost, for like 4 hours. Then the dude remembered…. just go east… just go east. And the rest is history. Yep, the crazy f*^k’r survived for another battle on another day.

Now that Rez Dog has a BPR chapter in his control it will be interesting to see if he grows a crew of freaks or -> A Crew of Freaks. Because there is only one choice at the back of the pack. Yep, The Founding Fathers have great confidence in Rez Dog and that is why we moved forward with the Navajo Nation chapter with the promise to bring bikes, babes and Ludacrazy to the greatest sovereign nation in the great USA.

Ok. Enough Jaw Jacking. All the other stories will be saved for the next BPR Global Summit. Let’s just hope that Rez Dog remembers… just go east brother… just go east.

