Bored Yet?

Well. Are you bored? I am.

But in one month I’ll be on my way to 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo, the 1st race of 2011 for Back of the Pack Racing. So, I can deal with boredom for a few more weeks. But I won’t bore you to death with the nonsense that happened during this past week. I put in a few miles and took a few pictures. That’s about it. Check it out. Or don’t.

The Video:
Cold nights in January Suck. But the Romance is Bitchin’!
The ‘Action’ starts around 1min 28 sec. I think.
Go to the 2 min 46 sec point. I video of a UFO. I think.
AND. If you find the grammar mistake in the video – I may give you 100 Million Dollars.

The Pics:

Wild Horses…. Scare Me. And I’m Fearless
Just a Saturday Ride with The Lt Col, aka The B.P.R. Elder Statesman


A Sunrise
 A Sunset
News of the Weird:
So. I have this overhang on my back porch. (Click here for a definition of ‘overhang‘.) I have a big glass door going to the back porch. One Saturday I looked out and saw this pile of Bird S*^T stuck to the glass. Then I puked.
How the hell did this happen? How does a big ass bird blast my glass door with a big ass pile of S*^T? Is this a CONSPIRACY forged by the wild birds that are (were) my friends?
Yeah, I forgot to feed the birds for 1 week. But it was cold out. A little hunger is no reason to turn against your friend. Is it?
Well, I’m wondering if the birds were overcome by rage and enlisted the community dive bomber to lay one out on my window. Insanity rules The Judd’s Pad. This is Ludicrous.  So, what did I do? I went out and fed the birds, just like the good buddy I am.

6 thoughts on “Bored Yet?

  1. Ok…I was wondering why you would puke over a little bird doodoo…now I get it. Didn't know we had condors in the Sandias. Donna


  2. Yeah. Condor Crap. But if you could see the 'damage' you'd quickly realize that it's impossible. Can't be done. I guess the Condor had a hover mode and a bazooka. Absolutely impossible to nail that window on that door.


  3. That was a sick video. Thanks for a little taste of what used to be home. I drove home for lunch with an HD camera / Vehicle Network Bus recorder I developed collecting data. Maybe I'll post some snippets of my commute on FB. Stay tuned.


  4. Oliver. Glad you liked it. Yeah. I am addicted to 1) ludacracy 2) video. It's all fun. Especially when a good IPA is involved. No IPA was involved with this video – but I learned my lesson. I won't make the mistake again. You need to buy my fixie bike – $2k and add the fixie experience into your 'research' and 'engineering'. I need to dump the bike so I can replace it with a Black Sheep fixie.


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